國際媒體報導「范蘭欽」Kuo Kuan-ying事件!
「范蘭欽」郭冠英的事,除了台灣媒體關注外,國外的媒體也有報導,芬蘭的Suomen Kuvalehti 就有簡短的報導「Taiwan Officials Gaffe」(台灣官員外交出醜);加拿大的National Post就連著319、320有報導;美聯社在318就有文「Official's pro-China claim causes uproar in Taiwan」(官員的親中聲明在台灣引起軒然大波 );愛爾蘭的Irish Times 也在320有報導「Taiwan coalition efforts rocked by senior government official's slur on 'primitive' island population」(台灣族群和諧的努力因一資深官員辱罵島上居民為『低等族群』所震撼破功)等。
像是刊登於加拿大National Post的Aileen McCabe所撰寫 「Taiwanese diplomat in Canada investigated for alleged slurs」(在加拿大的台灣外交官被調查疑似辱罵事件)一文中,就指出:
「A top Taiwanese diplomat in Canada has been recalled and is under investigation in Taipei for allegedly calling Taiwan's majority population "mentally insane," "rednecks" and "primitives." 」
(一在加拿大台灣高級外交官被召回,並且在台北調查其疑似聲稱台灣的多數族群為「弱智瘋狂 」、「鄉巴佬」、「低等族群」。)
「Many native Taiwanese fear that Ma, who was born on the Mainland, is playing into the hands of Beijing, which has always claimed Taiwan as a province. 」
高級外省人「superior mainlander」在美聯社、National Post與Irish Times 的報導都有出現。
甚至范蘭欽的名句『歹丸現在走的是死路,根本沒資格回歸,只有武力解放後實行專政。 』在美聯社與Irish Times 的文也以
「(An official) suggested Beijing should use force to seize the island.」、「“China should use force to take over” Taiwan even though the island “was not qualified” to unite with Beijing. 」
然而將郭調為「非主管職」的九劉政權說法,以其331之前必須回台之說,也出現在National Post上:
「Kuo, who is back in Toronto winding up his affairs, is scheduled to return to Taipei by March 31 and will be given a "non-managerial" post in the Government Information Office pending the outcome of an investigation by the Commission on the Disciplinary Sanctions of Functionaries. 」
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