[這是法國輻射防護暨核子安全研究所(IRSN)所製作的福島輻射擴散模擬動畫的擷圖,據上面的文字說明是銫Cs-137自3月11日起至3月26日的擴散情形,有興趣的讀者可以自行前往按按鈕http://www.irsn.fr/FR/popup/Pages/irsn-meteo-france_22mars.aspx 。日本福島核電廠輻射物質外洩,連鈽PU都測出了,這還不恐怖嗎?看到美國、韓國、中國、越南、菲律賓都有測到福島輻射的消息,唯獨馬政權統治下的台灣沒有,這真是令世人嘖嘖稱奇!]
他認為,台灣應該以風力、水力、火力等方式取代核能發電,政府一定要趕快想辦法找替代方案,就算貴一點也沒關係。』(摘自自由即時「捐10億日幣救災 張榮發反核」)
第69條 公職人員之罷免,得由原選舉區選舉人向選舉委員會提出罷免案。但就職未滿一年者,不得罷免。
第70條 ...提議人人數應為原選舉區選舉人總數百分之二以上
第80條 罷免案之投票,應於罷免案宣告成立後三十日內為之。但不得與各類選舉之投票同時舉行。
Ernest Hemingway called her the "Empress of China." British novelist Christopher Isherwood found her "possessed of an almost terrifying charm and poise." Among those impressed by Madame Chiang Kai-shek's charms was the American politician Wendell Willkie, who lost the presidential race against Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1940 but hoped to get the Republican nomination to run again in 1944. Visiting China's wartime capital of Chongqing in 1942, Willkie disappeared from an evening reception as did Madame Chiang, who had then been married to Chiang Kai-shek for 15 years. According to the privately printed memoirs of the publisher of Look magazine, Gardner Cowles, who was sharing a house with Willkie in Chongqing, the politician returned at 4 a.m., looking "very buoyant ... cocky as a young college student after a successful night with a girl." Willkie gave a "play-by-play" account of his time with Madame Chiang and said he had invited her to return to Washington with him.
While agreeing that she was "one of the most beautiful, intelligent and sexy women either of us had ever met," Cowles dissuaded Willkie and went to tell Madame Chiang. When he broke the news, Cowles wrote, she scratched his cheeks so deeply that the marks remained for a week.
Cowles said Soong later told him, "If Wendell could be elected, then he and I would rule the world. I would rule the Orient and Wendell would rule the western world."