[看看這圖像上的可是個大帥哥,他是1940年美國共和黨提名競選總統的候選威爾基Wendell Lewis Willkie,雖然落選,在投票公民中,可是也得到2千2百萬張的選票,而勝選的小羅斯福則是2千7百多萬票。1941年與小羅斯福妻子共同成立「自由之家」Freedom House。1942年為小羅斯福特使前往中國訪問,在那認識了蔣介石的妻子宋美齡,無論是英文的、中文的資料,都顯示當時宋美齡和威爾基傳有誹聞,其實如果不是「建國百年來 你最尊敬的女性」的網路民調選出宋美齡為第一名的,誰還會請出Google大神、重溫舊事呢?圖取於英文版wiki]
民國百年第一女人宋美齡與威爾基Wendell Lewis Willkie
多年以前,筆者者曾經看過李敖的文,寫道,1942年美國特使威爾基到中國重慶,後來與宋美齡如何如何的,蔣介石如何不悅。說實在的,當初也是抱著看看稗官野史的心情看看,算是讀書自娛。然而相關的資料,可是當年網路也不發達,此事又屬禁忌,查閱不易,就沒有再進一步研究。日前蕃薯藤yam有個「建國百年來 你最尊敬的女性」的網路民調,從20位女性中,居然選出第一名得726票宋美齡,才又重新想到此事。
宋美齡最為藍營所樂道的,就是她在1943年於美國國會演說,風靡美國。然而當時大力促成宋美齡來美演說的,可是曾經敗選於小羅斯福的威爾基,Google一下「宋美齡 威爾基」可是可以找到許多值得一看的文。

而Google一下「"Wendell Willkie" "Madame Chiang Kai-shek"」也是非常可觀。

Ernest Hemingway called her the "Empress of China." British novelist Christopher Isherwood found her "possessed of an almost terrifying charm and poise." Among those impressed by Madame Chiang Kai-shek's charms was the American politician Wendell Willkie, who lost the presidential race against Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1940 but hoped to get the Republican nomination to run again in 1944. Visiting China's wartime capital of Chongqing in 1942, Willkie disappeared from an evening reception as did Madame Chiang, who had then been married to Chiang Kai-shek for 15 years. According to the privately printed memoirs of the publisher of Look magazine, Gardner Cowles, who was sharing a house with Willkie in Chongqing, the politician returned at 4 a.m., looking "very buoyant ... cocky as a young college student after a successful night with a girl." Willkie gave a "play-by-play" account of his time with Madame Chiang and said he had invited her to return to Washington with him.
While agreeing that she was "one of the most beautiful, intelligent and sexy women either of us had ever met," Cowles dissuaded Willkie and went to tell Madame Chiang. When he broke the news, Cowles wrote, she scratched his cheeks so deeply that the marks remained for a week.
Cowles said Soong later told him, "If Wendell could be elected, then he and I would rule the world. I would rule the Orient and Wendell would rule the western world."

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