冰島女歌手Björk於三月二日在上海,高喊"Tibet! Tibet! Tibet!"
http://blog.libertytimes.com.tw/spieler/2008/03/18/10222Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!
Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!
Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!
Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!
Start your own currency!
Make your own stamp
Protect your language
Declare independence
Don't let them do that to you!
Declare independence
Don't let them do that to you!
Make your own flag!
Raise your flag! (Higher, higher!)
Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!
Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!
Damn colonists
Ignore their patronizing
Tear off their blindfolds
Open their eyes
Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!
Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!
With a flag and a trumpet
Go to the top of your highest mountain!
And raise your flag! (Higher, higher!)
Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!
Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!
Raise the flag!
2008年3月21日 星期五
[兩個50元硬幣,一真一偽,你會分辨嗎?圖取自http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2009/new/oct/19/today-center2.htm] > [沒帳號也可匿名推] 分享 12枚金幣有一不知或輕或重偽幣之解 部落格上政論文寫多了,除了政...
[這幾天薄熙來的愛將王立軍落跑到中國成都領事館,尋求政治庇護失敗後「接受休假式的治療」,圖前為有「 中國馬英九 」之稱的薄熙來,圖右為王立軍,圖取於 自由電子 。另外,無脖公口中的「台灣薄熙來」這任還沒做完,那個白先生也還沒上任,美牛瘦肉精就要來了?!不是前幾日中國人民 解放軍的...
[這是網頁http://www.triggertek.com/r/unicode/3400-4DBF 漢字CJK與utf8的對應表,有些罕見字,不會打,就用貼的!] [沒帳號也可匿名推] 「馬牛」=「䭽」,「馬鹿」=「騼」,你會唸?會打字? 這幾天美國牛肉的事,筆者找到兩個馬邊旁...
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/ff/Zhonghua_Minguo_Quhua_Fanti.png [ 感謝 南方網友 阿諾 指出,這就是「中華民國」的固有疆域。其實依「五五憲草」精神是不含台澎的。看看中華...
[這就是蔣氏政權在台灣所聘請的「明德小組」首任首席顧問德國裝甲兵將軍孟澤爾(Oskar Munzel),圖取於 wiki ,攝影的時間,依孟澤爾所戴的軍帽,以及戰車型號研判,應該是在德國發動戰爭之前,時任官上尉。孟澤爾曾為古德林的計劃參謀,所參與過的幾場會戰,對二戰史稍有涉略的,...
[卡通北海小英雄小威(Vicke Viking, 德文:Wickie und die starken Männer)當中可有一集,是說小威等人意外發現美洲。這個故事的原型應該是說維京海盜Erik the Red紅髮Eric的兒子Leif Ericson,從格陵蘭殖民地行船西行意外...
[台大歷史博士生蕭明禮駕駛著橘紅色4569-ER的Smart阻擋救護車比中指一事,都好幾天啦,好像還沒中止。1229 ZIQQ的固定來陳揮文可是說得很不客氣「捉去關就對了」,對於「中指蕭」父母關說媒體人要喬事情,還以「置入性關說」痛斥,然而就是不說是哪幾個媒體人,說罷後來帶假髮的...